Microscope endodontics

Restorative dentistry takes advantage of microscopic solutions and the highest-class endodontics (root canal treatment) ends in high-quality reconstruction of the tooth. As the result, the tooth recovers its anatomic shape and original properties of correct biting and chewing, by recreating the so called cusps.

What is endodontics?

Endodontics is commonly known as root canal treatment. Although it is often associated with pain and trauma, this method is one of the most fequently applied in treatment of teeth whose condition is diverging from the standard. Endodontics, however, is more than that. As a science, it deals with examination of dental pulp, and in practice it offers many methods of its treatment. This method is very efficient. It is commonly said that endodontics is just “root canal treatment”.

Why root canal treatment is recommended?

We use our teeth in chewing and cutting food, so they should be strong and tough but at the same time they must be properly nerved in order to work properly. Each healthy tooth is composed of dental pulp which is the neuroplexus. Naturally, tooth pain is a signal sent by our body indicating malfunction and the need to take preventive measures. Problems with dental pulp are caused mainly by microorganisms which penetrate into the inside of the tooth. Inflammation may adversely affect not only the pulp itself but also the teeth and bone around them.

How does the endodontic treatment look like?

In case of inflammation most often root canal treatment is applied, which in short can be described as the removal of ill pulp through the holes in the tooth. The removal of the ill pulp often allows to maintain the tooth. The space which ramains after the removed pulp is filled with an appropriate material applied in this procedure. Usually, the microorganisms penetrate the dental pulp as a result of tooth damage eg. by strong impact, breaking off its structure but also by caries which leads to its exposure to intrusive bacteria. Nowadays, endodontics is a commonly used treatment. It is popular and efficient due to the development of dental techniques.

When the microscope should be applied?

Nowadays, radiology and microscopic examination is used for diagnosis, so the dentist can determine what measures are best to apply. The treatment itself can be dangerous for the patient without the use of modern solutions. The tooth is opened for the period of the treatment by the dentist, exposing it to the threat of further infection, therefore it is essential to take precaution, preventing from the deterioration of the patient’s health. Nowadays, endodontic treatment under the microscope is a standard procedure for the dentist. But for a patient, his/her teeth are at stake! The modern microscopic endodontics allows to cure the teeth at the point, when traditional methods would be applied to remove a tooth and recommend prosthetic treatment. By the use of a microscope by the dentist, the vitality of the natural tooth can be significantly lenghtened, without the need to fix an implant or perform a bridge or crown in the Patient.
1. Diagnosis
In this stage, it is necessary to perform a X-ray image which allows to determine, among the others, the number of roots (some teeth consists of 4 roots), their shape, width and course of the canal inside each root.

2. Cleansing of the tooth crown and the infected canals
Caries bacteria are removed from the tooth crown and tooth facet is prepared.
Cleansing of the infected canals is a 3-stage process:
a. removal of the infected pulp from each canal;
b. scraping bacteria off canal facets with proper tools.
c. chemical disinfection to eliminate bacteria which have not been removed after the mechanical process.

3. Filling of the clean root canals.
Empty, carefully purified root canals are filled with a special, biologically inert specimen. It guarantees tight closure and efficient protection from another bacterial penetration.

4. Tooth reconstruction.
The last, recreative stage is the reconstruction of a tooth. It consists in the recreation of anatomic shapes of a tooth and its function in occlusion by:
a. filling (in case of tiny losses – crown loss);
b. inlays and outlays (by major losses);
c. prosthetic crowns (by two).


Is canal root treatment painful?
Canal root treatment is usually perfomed under anesthetic which is why it is entirely painless.
How long does the canal root treatment last?
The period of treatment depends on the type of the tooth under treatment, its structure, number of roots and condition of the oral cavity. It can last even 1-1.5 hour. Usually, to finish the whole process, 2 appointments are required.
Why canal root treatment is so expensive?
The cost of canal root treatment depends on many factors:
  • modern endodontic (root canal) treatment requires expensive instrumentation to be applied (lens, microscope, endometer, endo micro-motor);
  • during the treatment process, over a dozen of specialist, precise titanium-nickel tools, files manufactured by reputed companies are used;
  • canal root treatment requires ca. 3 X-ray images;
  • canal root treatment requires the application of many chemical specimens which support the continuity of the final effect.
Does canal root treatment guarantee that the tooth will be maintained?
In ca. 90% of cases, canal root treatment is effective and guarantees that a tooth will be maintained for many years, however the denitist, even if the treatment has been succesfully performed, is not able to secure the patient because each body has its individual response.
What are the reasons for failures?
Failures can be caused by:
1. difficult structure of a tooth and roots (curved roots), where performance of the whole procedure is not possible;
2. weak response of the body;
3. intense microflora virulence in the roots;
4. systemic infections.
Is it not better to extract the tooth?
The removal of a tooth and further restoration with a crown or implant is a much better choice than maintaining a “dead” tooth. Failure to fill the cavity which remained after the removed tooth will cause irreversible changes in the oral cavity within the next few years.

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Tower Dentist
8B Rybacka St. U4 and U5 premises
84-120 Władysławowo
Opening hours
Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sat: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm


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